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Regarding the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for 2021

Investor Relations


Hyatt Centric Levent, located at Büyükdere Caddesi No: 136, 34330, Levent / Istanbul, to discuss and decide on the attached agenda of our Company's Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for 2021 on 10/06/2022 at 10:00 by our Company's Board of Directors. It has been unanimously decided that the general assembly call to be made to the shareholders will be announced on the Internet address of and on the Public Disclosure Platform.

Meeting Agenda

1 - Establishment of the opening and meeting chairmanship.

2 - Authorizing the Meeting Coordinator to sign the meeting minutes,

3 - Reading the Annual Report of the Board of Directors and the Independent Audit Report for 2021 separately, reading, negotiating and approving the Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss accounts for the year 2021,

4 - Discussion and decision on the release of the members of the Board of Directors separately for their activities in 2021,

5 - Submission of SGD Independent Audit Services Inc., recommended by the Board of Directors to receive independent audit services in 2022, for approval,

6 - Discussing the issue of informing the shareholders about the Company's transactions with related parties in accordance with the Capital Markets legislation and approving these transactions,

7 - Election of the members of the Board of Directors and determination of their term of office,

8 - Determining the compensation to be given to the Members of the Board of Directors,

9 - Informing the shareholders about the donations and aids made in 2021 and determining the donation and aid limit for 2022,

10 - Discussing and deciding on the profit distribution proposal of the Company's Board of Directors for 2021,

11 - Permission is given to the shareholders, members of the board of directors, senior managers and their spouses and relatives by blood and marriage up to the second degree, who hold the control of the management, within the framework of Articles 395 and 396 of the Turkish Commercial Code, and about the transactions carried out in this context in 2021. informing the owners

12 - Informing the shareholders about the income or benefits obtained by the guarantees, pledges, mortgages and sureties given by our company in favor of third parties in accordance with the 4th paragraph of the 12th article of the Corporate Governance Communiqué numbered II-17.1 of the Capital Markets Board,

13 - Informing the shareholders about the company's 2022 plans,

14 - Wishes and closing.

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